Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Someone Mind Controlling Psylocke's Debut?

It's the week ending of 1976 in Marvel UK's Captain Britain and lead hero Brian "Captain Britain" Braddock is about to meet his sister Betsy Braddock. We all know what she looks like, right?

No, sorry... nothing like that, I'm afraid...

Heck no, keep on trying...

Are you kidding me?!

... No, this is how she first appeared...

Betsy Braddock made her debut in the pages of Captain Britain # 8 as the hero's blonde haired twin sister... Brian was so dumbstruck when she popped up out of nowhere to startle him with her attention grabbing, urgent feminine cry, he didn't even protest when she dragged him along to her small private plane.

Once they were up in the air, Betsy finally explained her reason for being there.. their older brother Jamie had been in a most peculiar car accident and it seemed like he wasn't quite in control of himself.
Unfortunately, that seemed to be a family trait...

Yeah... You don't want your pilot pulling a William Shatner and seeing gremlins on the wing. Even though the red, flaring eyes were a sign she wasn't just delusional, Brian didn't see anything out there. 

That didn't prevent Betsy from crashing the plane though. With his sister unconscious and trapped in the wreckage, Brian had to change into Captain Britain to free her... Just as the villain of the piece showed up...

"Monsters spawned by the demon dreams of DR. SYNNE! And as I destroyed the girl's mind... so shall I now destroy yours!"

The interesting thing about Marvel's publication venture in the United Kingdom was that they adopted a weekly schedule, which is quite common in Britain with (once) popular youth magazines like the Beano and the Dandy.

Unfortunately, this means the creators only get about 8 pages at a time, which forces them to really compress and hurry matters along sometimes. For instance, it only took Betsy and Brian four panels to drive to the airport, enter her plane, take off and have a bit of exposition to boot. While it's certainly efficient, it also makes for decidely choppy reading

Captain Britain # 9 suffers from the same problems. It opens with the Captain and this mysterious Synne fellow duking it out for a couple of pages until Synne knocks him out with a mental whammy. When Brian comes to... Synne is gone, he's in his civilian clothes again and his brother Jamie's just arrived with a rescue party to take Brian and Betsy home...

"Power! Total and absolute... to control both the bodies and minds of men!"

After giving a totally unrelated history lesson about Braddock Manor that fills up about half the panel, Claremont delivers some exposition on Synne... While also trying to explain how Jamie is already up and about when Betsy seemed deadly afraid for his life just a few hours earlier.

Speaking of deadly afraid, Brian and Jamie were about to learn the true meaning of the word...

More on that and the mystery of Betsy's ever changing hair color in part II of Someone Mind Controlling Psylocke's Debut?

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