Monday, March 4, 2013

Mojo's Mind Control Mayhem Part II: Sign Your Name And Cross Your Heart... FOREVER!

When we last left the X-babies and Kitty Pryde, they were busy doing a remake of the 1987 classic cult movie Adventures In Babysitting... On the Scottish moors, but still.

Kitty found herself taking care of baby versions of her former X-men teammates, who she still believed to be dead. In order to help her cuddly compadres find their previous nanny Ricochet Rita, Kitty decided to contact her current team: Excalibur.

But this is still 1989, well before the age of the internet, let alone mobile phones. This meant she had to head for the nearest town to call for help. But once she got there, Mojo's operative The Agent made his first move...

Beg yuir pardon, lassie... But I'll need your signature..."

"Now that you've signed a contract, little Psylocke... Your soul belongs to Mojo"

Yup, the Agent is also a shape shifter... ready to use his abilities to trick the X-Babies into 'renewing' their lifetime contract with Mojo, leaving them his powerless and mindless playthings. And it made sense he started with Psylocke, because while Mojo gained her soul, he gained Betsy's telepathy. Which made it all the more easy to claim the others...

Phasing her out before the Agent could do any real damage, Kitty gathered the remaining X-babies in a nearby police car and drove off... However, after driving through the night the car ran out of fuel somewhere near the border between Scotland and England. Fortunately, a very familiar comics writer and his posse happened to be on the road as well...

After leaving Claremont and company to fend for themselves, the journey continued on the British highway M1... But tragedy soon struck again when the band stopped for a quick road side snack. However, it was still quick enough for Havok to sign his life away...

That star struck waitress once again turned out to be the Agent in disguise... I suppose the dark glasses should have been a tip off. Still, the remaining X-Infants and Kitty made it to Manchester unscathed. Even though she was still unable to reach Excalibur, Kitty was actually starting to feel a little cocky. 

"Tempt us with our heart's desire. Hah! Faked him there! I got mine!"

Let's suppose that particular line shares no relation with Kitty's longing looks at the infant version of her first love Colossus... That would be wrong. But speaking of young love, just as the actual Rogue and Dazzler had been fighting over who Longshot liked the best, so did their young counterparts

...Talk about being tempted by your heart's desire...

After claiming both Rogue and Dazzler, the Agent had to keep his end of the promise and tried to take loverboy Longshot as well...

Colossus sacrificed himself so Kitty, Longshot and the others could get away. Shortly after reaching London, the Agent claimed Wolverine as well and Excalibur still wasn't responding to Kitty's calls. That's where the clever cat came up with a scheme bound to attract nation wide attention... It just so happened there was a televised royal wedding going down at St. Paul's Cathedral. What better way to get the attention of Meggan, Excalibur's resident tv junkie?

Unfortunately, the danger of the Agent was closer by than anyone had imagined... he was in fact the priest blessing the marriage of the royal couple. Naturally, a fearful fight ensued between him and the hopelessly outgunned remaining X-Babies. Everything seemed to be going the Agent's way until Excalibur barged in to save the day.

Still, it took lil' Longshot's luck to truly bring this caper to an end. One of his lucky moves delivered all his fallen teammates' signed contracts in Kitty's hands... And she knew just what to do with those.

With everyone restored to their normal selves, the jig was up. The Agent was powerless and surrendered. But just as the X-Babies reminded Kitty they still had to find Ricochet Rita, everyone's favorite heir to a universal energy force spoke up. Y'see, Rachel 'Phoenix' Grey noticed something was up with the Agent...

"Trust that twisted slug Mojo... to use her as his pet hunter.

Yup, that damn Mojo had actually kidnapped Rita... mindcontrolling and transforming her into the big bad everyone had been trying to beat in order to find her. Such sweet mind control ridden irony. And she wasnt quite rid of his influence yet, as Mojo literally took over her head to directly conduct business negotiations with the X-Babies for a new contract...

Still, freed or not, Ricochet Rita still chose to return to the Mojoverse with the X-babies who had come back to Mojo as promised.

But the second the lil' mutants returned, Mojo realised he'd bought a lemon. Yes, the X-babies had indeed agreed to return to the Mojoverse... But Mojo's request mentioned nothing about actually working or turning a profit, so a dumbstruck Mojo was greeted by this....


"And So It Goes..."

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