Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Much Hack-nyed Coming Of The Mind Controlled Karima


That's what you get from writing blogs based on loose scans from the internet, instead of taking the time to reread the actual issues. The previous post dealt with Xavier and Magneto dealing with Karima Shapandar, an Indian police woman turned Prime Sentinel...

In order to save themselves and the other mutants on Genosha from this formidable cyborg killing machine, Charles and Eric essentially lobotomised Karima, ridding her of the Sentinel directives so she was herself again.

While this is a perfectly fine example of mind control, it was only after reading Excalibur vol. 2 # 2 & 3 that the full story became apparent. There's more mind control to be shared. Let's dig in.

Meet Hack and Hub, two of Genosha's surviving young mutants who had joined with the island's resident bully Unus the Untouchable... She's a long range teleporter and he's a telepathic wonder. So wonderous he's even able to detect, nay, predict, the approach of a Prime Sentinel. And just as they decide to take action, Genosha's other prime telepath gets a remarkable heads up.

For some unexplained reason, Xavier's telepathy linked with Hack's... But instead of giving him a simple image of the Prime Sentinel, Charles was struck with an intense nightmarish vision in which he was hunted and killed by Karima. Shaken, he conferred with his associates Magneto and Callisto... just as Hack, Hub and their superstrong friend Purge teleported to the source of the disturbance.

So lessee what they got that's so important."

When you're right, you're right Purge... Let's get to it...

"Can you 'hack' their heads?"

Nope... Unfortunately, both the Omega Sentinel and the boy next to her were in deep stasis. One wonders how Hack was able to pick up their brainwaves if he isn't able to actively 'hack' them. But if you can't mind control people in stasis on board a plane, there has to be a crew susceptible to your gifts... 

"We're taking the plane!"

Yes, the plane was piloted by former Magistrates who were planning to use the Omega Sentinel and the Genoshan combat telekinetic Shola Inkose in an attempt to regain control of the island. Speaking of gaining control... the boy *is* called Hack for a reason...

"Their shields. I wanted to take control of their minds... but I fried them instead!"

Poor Hack, he can't catch a break.The pilots are brain dead and the plane is going down... Luckily, their descent doesn't go too unnoticed...

Hub, Hack and Purge manage to teleport away with Shola Inkose, while the plane containing the cracked Omega Sentinel's stasis pod crashes into the waters of Hammer Bay. The professor and Magneto go for the rescue, and we all know how *THAT* worked out... 

But just as Charles and Magneto were submerged and making their way towards the wreckage, Genosha itself was under attack from the main Magistrate forces who attacked Xavier and Unus' people alike. Luckily,  Wicked is able to mind control the dead. And considering over 16 million people died on the island she had quite a lot of undead cannon fodder...

And meanwhile, a few hundred leagues underneat the sea, professor Charles Xavier and Eric 'Magneto' Lensherr meet the threat we covered in the previous post...

And to think my cellphone stops working in the rain...

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