Saturday, January 24, 2009

Once more, oh green and mind controlling land

So, lets review, shall we? What do we know about Genosha? Tiny island nation off the coast of Madagascar, gained incredible wealth by manipulating mutants into mutates capable of mining the country's mineral riches... And what do we know about Chris Claremont? Not so tiny writer of comics who frequently uses mind control as an excuse to manipulate characters to act like caricatures of themselves in order to get a fat paycheck.

In this scene, we see how the Genoshan Magistrates control the mutates: not only are they reduced to demi-human state, forced to wear a skintight suit and branded with a number instead of a name... They are also instant S&M slaves. One word from the Magistrate in command and they revert into willingless toys...

And yes, during the early 90s X-men crossover X-Tinction Agenda Chris Claremont subjected his favourite X-man Storm to the Genoshan mind control technique. Or, Storm... please refer to her as Mutate 20... No, this young black preteen has no will, no name, no way to defend herself from your depraved, sick wants and whims... please be kind... or not... *SIGH*... Now I feel dirty, I need a shower...

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